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Commercial Roofing Contractors in Olathe

How to Prepare Your Roof for Fall and Winter; Tips from Commercial Roofing Contractors in Olathe

How to Prepare Your Roof for Fall and Winter; Tips from Commercial Roofing Contractors in Olathe

As summer ends and cooler months get closer, the time is right for roof maintenance and repair. A clean and well-maintained roof will endure the winter months much better. Residential and commercial roofing contractors in Olathe can help you fix things if your roof develops a serious problem, but prevention is always best.

Have Your Roof Inspected by an Olathe Roofer

A shingled roof has hundreds or thousands of shingles on it, depending on the size of the roof. A roof leak can develop quickly if just a few get out of place. A little loose flashing around your chimney or roof vents can also cause leaks to develop. We recommend that most homeowners have their roofs inspected twice a year to avoid unexpected leaks or other damage. Call a professional Olathe roofer for help with roof inspections.

Keep Your Gutters and Roof Clean

Once Autumn begins and leaves begin to fall from your trees, keeping your roof and gutters free of debris is essential. A roof covered in leaves will dry slowly after even light rain. Excessive moisture will accelerate the decomposition of your shingles and roof decking and possibly cut years off your roof’s useful life. Do yourself a favor and clean your roof and gutters regularly.

Gutter cleaning is only difficult and time-consuming when leaves are left to accumulate for weeks or months. Regular gutter cleaning is fast and relatively easy.

Trim Your Trees

Trees grow fastest during the warm and sunny summer months. So, once fall rolls around, it is time for a trim. Long branches are more likely to break when the weather gets windy, and large falling branches will almost certainly cause roof damage. Avoid damage and keep your house looking nice by trimming your trees.

Check Your Roof Ventilation

A poorly ventilated roof will create ice dams on snowy days and limit the efficiency of your furnace. Make sure your roof vents are free of debris and sealed properly to your roof. If you suspect your home has a ventilation problem, speak to an Olathe roofing company for help evaluating your roof’s ventilation and insulation needs.

A well-ventilated roof will last longer and help your HVAC system work more efficiently in hot or cold weather.

Looking for the Best Olathe Commercial Roofing Contractor?

Call Rhino Roofing!

Rhino Roofing is one of the best residential and commercial roofing contractors in Olathe and can take care of just about anything you need: inspections, maintenance, repair, and replacement. We can repair your roof or install a new roof in Olathe for you. Our experienced crews are ready to solve any problem you may have!

Rhino Roofing – Olathe Commercial Roofing Contractor

When you work with Rhino Roofing, you can be sure that your repair will be handled quickly, efficiently, and with excellent customer service. We are a fully insured and licensed Olathe roofing company.

Call us at (913) 371-9099 or visit our website to fill out a form for a free estimate today.

Do you need the best residential roofing contractors in Olathe? Call us today!